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Wills, Trust and Estate Planning

For a list of our estate planning attorneys, please see below.

The state of your personal affairs is just that… intensely personal. Carmel & Naccasha’s trust and estate planning attorneys understand how vital it is to have your possessions and estate legally designated to be used as you intend upon incapacity or death. That’s why they work to empower their clients through the comfort of knowing that the management and plan for all of their financial and other assets upon their death end up exactly where the owner of those assets intends and in the most tax efficient way possible.

This protection for individuals and families involves the management of personal affairs including the plan for disbursement of real and personal property of an individual in anticipation of the person’s incapacity or death. This area of practice is also used to fulfill the wishes of philanthropic bequests or gifts through the creation and supervision of charitable trusts. This area of law covers:

  • Setting up wills, trusts, and durable powers of attorney for medical and financial needs as well as all real and personal property assets;
  • Assisting in a determination of whether or not more specialized trusts, such as an insurance trust or a special needs trust, should be in place;
  • Advice in the tactical decisions to be made in dividing assets into sub trusts upon a client’s death or marriage;
  • Trust litigation; and
  • Estate planning specific to the elderly or incapacitated including home care, long term care and social security and disability benefits.

Trusts are often of long term benefit to a family, and proper administration of a trust over time helps prevent problems. When necessary or beneficial to our clients, our estate planning attorneys are experienced in obtaining court ordered trust modifications or instructions on specific issues in trust administration.

Below are Carmel & Naccasha attorneys who specialize in will, trust, and estate planning.
Click on their images to read how they can help you and your business. 

Victor Herrera
Brooks Hollister Photo
Brooks Hollister
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