Carmel & Naccasha Disclaimer
The information on this website is for general information purposes only and is not intended to be legal advice or relied upon as legal advice. While we welcome your telephone calls, letters and electronic mail, please know that contacting us does not create an attorney-client relationship between you and our firm or any individual attorney of our firm (Carmel & Naccasha LLP or "the firm").
Any information that you submit to us through this website, whether sent directly to the firm attorney's individual email addresses or through our contact links on the site, does not constitute an attorney-client privileged communication (this privilege allows you to tell your attorney information that you do not want anyone else to know and that then precludes the attorney from revealing that information to a third party) and will not and cannot be treated as confidential unless and until an attorney-client relationship has been established.
Generally speaking, an attorney-client relationship is created when the attorney agrees to represent a prospective client and the client performs whatever acts he or she has agreed to do such as, but not only including, confirming no conflicts exist, signing a retainer agreement or employment contract, paying a specified retainer fee, or turning over information the client has said he or she possesses that supports their version of their legal dispute. For these reasons, please do not send confidential or otherwise sensitive information to this website until we can verify that assisting you would not create an impermissible conflict of interest.
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