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Real Estate and Land Use Transactions and Litigation

For a list of land use attorneys, please see below.

Land ownership and property rights, including the kinds of uses allowed in connection with real property, often involve the largest assets held by our clients.  Our experienced land use attorneys work to ensure that our client’s rights in their properties are protected in accordance with the law and in a manner that is the most beneficial to the client. Here are a few of the specific ways our attorneys represent our client’s in this practice area:

Land Use Litigation

  • Providing government agency navigation including advising on the manner in which different levels of government regulate the use and physical development of land including development, permitting, zoning and hearings concerning real property;
  • Drafting development agreements; and,
  • Drafting easements, reciprocal access easements, well sharing agreements, offers to dedicate and grant, transfer or quitclaim deeds.

Real Estate Litigation

  • Lease negotiation and preparation, real estate lending, negotiating purchase and sale agreements, handling real estate closings, drafting deeds and filing liens;
  • Representing clients in disputes involving foreclosures, receiverships, real estate loans, boundary and title disputes, quiet title actions, partition actions and zoning matters;
  • Real estate litigation; and,
  • Providing counsel and drafting applicable documents for landlords in transactions that involve homeowner’s rights, rental property, owner’s liability and contracts, and renters’ and tenants’ rights.

The land use attorneys at Carmel & Naccasha and real estate team also works on interests in real property which are not related to the property itself. This area includes the right to future ownership, the right to tenancy, the right to drill for oil and mineral rights, and the use of airspace or easements across property that is not owned by our client. Our land use attorneys also have extensive background representing clients on issues pertaining to real estate located in the Coastal Zone. Working in this area requires knowledge of the California Coastal Act, as well as the particular county’s Certified Local Coastal Program. Dealing with real property located in this specially designated area involves working alongside the California Coastal Commission, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, the Regional Water Quality Control Board, and other agencies.

Below are Carmel & Naccasha attorneys who specialize in real estate and land use law.
Click on their images to read how they can help you and your business. 

Timothy Carmel
Ann Wilson
Michael McMahon
Susan Thompson Photo
Susan Thompson
Andrew Russell Website Photo
Andrew Russell
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