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The Central Coast Economic Forecast 2022 Event

Carmel & Naccasha is proud to be a sponsor of The Central Coast Economic Forecast! Co-founder of C&N, Ziyad Naccasha has been the chair of the CCEF over the past 2 years along with co-chair Josh Tang and vice-chair Jolie Ditmore

Central Coast Economic Forecast 2022 Event

Special thanks to Dr. Chris Thornberg and Dr. Taner Osman for delivering the BEACON Economics SLO County, State, and National Forecast at the event today. And we appreciated Judy Mahan from the Cal Poly CIE, who presided over the 3MINUTES2WINIT entrepreneurship competition.

Finally, we very much appreciated our emcee, Ryan Caldwell, of Wacker Financial, and our exceptional executive director, Stephanie Bertoux.

The Central Coast Economic Forecast was created to provide local businesses, nonprofit organizations, government and individuals with the  information needed to understand the local economy and plan for its future.

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