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Wineries and Vineyards

For a list of attorneys who focus on Wineries and the Wine Industry, please see below.

As wine is the largest agricultural commodity in San Luis Obispo County, it is no secret that this industry is thriving on the Central Coast. Our attorneys work with our clients to make sure that they are fully informed and legally protected when it comes to the laws that specifically govern these wineries, vineyards, and vineyard operations.

This area of practice involves:

  • Drafting or negotiating vineyard leases, grape contracts, production or storage contracts and retail or wholesale purchase agreements;
  • Assessing land use and real estate needs;
  • Advising on interactions with interstate or intrastate shipping hurdles or ironing out or memorializing relationships with distributors; and
  • Compliance or tax issues.

Below are Carmel & Naccasha attorneys who specialize in winery and vineyard law.
Click on their images to read how they can help you and your business. 

Ziyad Naccasha
Andrew Russell
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