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Technology Law and Intellectual Property (IP)

For a list of Technology Law & IP attorneys, please see below.

You don’t have to go to San Francisco or Silicon Valley to find savvy technology and IP lawyers.  We have talented and deeply experienced IP lawyers right here in SLO who have represented or worked for major technology companies (including Fortune 100).  Whether you’re in early stage start-up and growth phase looking for practical knowledge of “how things typically go” in various contracts and deals or a more mature tech company needing ongoing work on routine matters or deeper knowledge on something novel that’s arisen, we can give you practical, knowledgeable advice in the following ways (and more):

Technology Law

  • Software and hardware licensing
  • Cloud licensing (SaaS, IaaS, Paas)
  • Developer and development agreements for software and apps
  • Open-source software (OSS) licenses
  • Ecommerce & internet transactions – terms of service, FTC and California auto renewal laws (ARL)
  • Advertising compliance reviews, promotions and sweepstakes terms & conditions and affiliate marketing agreements, etc.
  • Advise on social media campaigns and geo-fencing strategies

Equity Attorney

  • Venture Capital and Private Equity fundraising rounds
  • Planning for due diligence review

Copyright & Trademark Attorney

  • Searches and Trademark applications and registrations
  • Searches and Copyright applications and registrations (for software or other creative works – books, images, music, etc.)
  • Development and independent developer agreements 
  • Work-for-hire Agreements and assignments of rights
  • Registration monitoring and enforcement strategy
  • Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) compliance
  • Licensing agreements
  • Likeness releases for webinars, videos, etc

Below are Carmel & Naccasha attorneys whO FoCUS ON technology and ip law.
Click on their images to read how they can help you and your business. 

Emilie Elliott
Anne Ramberg
Andrew Russell
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