Family-Friendly Workplace
Carmel & Naccasha is proud to be one of many family-friendly workplaces on the Central Coast. We wanted to spread the word about a free Family-Friendly Workplaces in Practice Workshop taking place on March 30th from 3:30-5:30pm at Springhill Suites in Atascadero.
The workshop is being facilitated by the Atascadero, Templeton, and Paso Robles Chambers’ of Commerce. SLO County Family-Friendly Workplaces and any business that wants to increase employee recruitment, retention, overall productivity, and workplace culture are encouraged to attend.
Want to Learn More About the Workshop?
You can learn more about the event here. We hope you please consider attending if you are interested!
Want to Learn More about First 5 SLO?
Please visit the First 5 San Luis Obispo County website to learn more about their efforts to support young children, both at the state and local levels.