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New Website Aims to Assist California Businesses

A one-stop website full of resources for California business owners is now up and running thanks to the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz). The site was launched earlier this month in response to requests for better online tools. According to the press release, is intended to provide information to business owners, consolidate information on starting a business, and organize state permit and regulations to increase accessibility. Business owners now have quicker access to guides that contain essential information for starting and growing specific types of businesses.

“Honestly, this is a great and significant step in the right direction and hopefully the first step of modern, on demand business services available in other states,” said a Carmel & Naccasha attorney. “This tool should make navigating through the paperwork and myriad of State laws much easier for our business clients.”

For those who are not sure where to begin, the Business Navigator tool provides custom information on permits, licenses, and incentives. There is also a service desk to answer both common questions and review submitted questions.

Click here to view the press release on the new website.

Attorneys at Carmel and Naccasha have years of experience advising businesses whether they’re in the start-up phase or fully matured, on everything from lawsuit prevention strategy to tax strategy analysis. Our attorneys can be reached at 805-546-8785.

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